Saturday, June 28, 2008

Team Fortress 2

TF(Team Fortress 2) poster

Few months back i was actually observing on this new game to be launch by this year, and finally it is launched for almost 2 months. I always wonder that such nice games is worth a money to buy it, and yet i always spent money on some idiot games that doesnt really brings out what games value are actually, especially in multi-player gaming experiencing.

So in RM it will be 80 ringgit..gosh i wish that someone would sponsor me extra RM40 for this new gaming thingy, worth to try it if CD Key can be used for multiple times, then it can be meant for sharing in online gaming. Just had to let myself feeling down if there's nt enuf $$ for my gamesss...argh.. budget for this month is over..T.T...

Here's a few trailer links :

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